I'm sorry. I've been away from my desk for a couple of weeks now. It has been literally impossible to write. So, now I'm back. For a few moments anyway to sit on my own front porch and catch my breath. Wow, it feels good to just sit here a minute. You see over the past two weeks I've taken teens on a 3 day two night canoeing trip and on an over-night trip too a Major League baseball game. At my church we have a school and we are currently doing placement testing for new students. We have had a special baptism service for 8 people. Through all this, our beloved churuch treasurer has had emergency open heart surgery at a hospital 64 miles away. Praise the Lord she came home this Tuesday (9/5/06)
I'm Tired
People say when I go on the youth excursions,"Did you have fun? Was it a nice vacation?" Let me see...running around with 16 teenagers 4 hours away from home... no! it wasn't nice. And you can't use the word vacation and teenagers in the same sentence. It's an oxymoron. In fact most people I know have to go back to work just to get rested up. Know the feeling?
So, I think I'll just sit here on the porch for a minute and ponder...what!? It's the car horn. I forgot something I was suppose to do. That's the other problem with going. When you get back you have to work twice as hard to catch up on the things you didn't get done because you were gone. It makes you wonder why you left in the first place. Oh, well I gotta' go.