Saturday, April 21, 2007

Lazy Parents

There was a beautiful sunrise in Central Wisconsin this morning. Last night was absolutely beautiful too! We (my wife and I) had a campfire under the stars. You should have been there. Build a fire pit in your backyard and burn a little wood. It’s great therapy!

For years on Cincinnati radio I heard a man do commentary. Today, I would like to borrow his format.
You know what makes me sick! You know what makes me so angry that I could sew somebody’s seat to a padded pew and preach a bad sermon…perpetually! I’ll tell ya’! It’s these mambee pambee, wimpy, lazy parents that have kids but won’t be a parent. You know the ones I’m talking about. People who send their kids away to school for 8 hours a day and then when their kid comes home, they still totally ignore them, people who dread the weekends because there’s no school to send their kid away to. If you’re feeling like this, then I’m talking to YOU.
I could talk hours about parents not being parents just by sending your kid to a public school. But I’ll leave that alone for the time being. When I look at my little town, there are only a handful of parents that know where their kid is when they get off the bus. By dark, the children start disappearing into their homes. I know that this phenomenon happens only because the kids are hungry. I bet if I fed them they wouldn’t go home until they needed a place to sleep. I’m talking about elementary level kids. The teens are worse. I see them jumping in and out of cars, speeding through town, guys and gals doing vulgar suggestive things that I wouldn’t do with my wife in public. The funny thing is they aren’t old enough to know why they do it. They just saw someone else have the same actions on TV. With cigarettes in hand and profanities rolling off the tongue, these kids believe they are all grown up. Why, because there ain’t a parent in sight.
Kids are taught young to learn from what they see. So, as a baby sitter, they are put in front of the TV with a bottle and 150 channels. Thousands of hours later parents think it’s a sign of intelligence that their 4 year old knows how to use the remote and can play a video tape or DVD. Parents laugh when their 5 year old repeats a profane word. After they start school, parents have no idea kids are comparing what each can get by with, and thus starts the game. Within a couple of years, parents start taking the attitude “…I can hardly wait ‘til school starts…” so they can get rid of their kid for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. By the time the kid is a teenager (13) the parents really don’t care where they are or what they are doing because the parents are to busy while making money to buy a boat, to short-sighted while rediscovering their marriage, or to self-centered to think of anyone else while their going through their divorce. Here me loud and clear: THE PROBLEM IS PARENTS AREN’T BEING PARENTS!

Just because you can make a baby doesn’t make you a parent. Do you realize how better off our country would be if parenting skills improved? So, if you think babies are cute, then go and visit the nursery of your local hospital. Have vasectomies, tubaligations or use proper birth control. Don’t make babies. That way you don’t suck up the resources that are needed by the people who really parent their children, and the children themselves.


Anonymous said...

Thank God for those homes in the community where neglected kids can hang out and receive the nurturing/mentoring they crave in a positive environment. Thank God for good parents who are willing to allow other peoples' children to crash at their house. Some of these kids may never experience genuine careing, discipline, or structure in any other environment outside of what they may or may not be exposed to in the school setting. What an opportunity to witness and disciple the next generation and influence your children's peers.

However, I wouldn't go so far as to say that sending ones' child to public school is bad parenting. In fact my experiences with my own education as well as my children's education have been more positive in the public school than in the Christian school. Much depends on the particular school that a student attends and the kinds of influences that the child has at home. No amount of education, Christian or secular, is going to save or damn a soul. There are positive and negative peer groups and even teachers in both the Christian and public schools.

We live in an age when we cannot completly shelter our chidren from the influences of the world. Many times sheltered children do not know how to respond to temptation, secular influences, and philosophies when they go to college or work. Even if they plan to go into a ministry vocation and attend a Christian college, they have trouble reaching those who are outside the influence of church rearing because they cannot relate.

Positive, Christian parenting is definetly the stongest influence that a child has toward morality and Christianity. However, parents and church leaders need to realize that once their child reaches their preteen years, their peers have a much stronger influence. That is why it is important to establish the foundation in the early years.

A significant part of that early foundation should be establishing them in a church that will minister to their needs at each stage of their development. When kids who go to public school have a strong tie to relevant church programs, mentors, Christian peers, and positive Christian parenting; they can flourish and be a great witness even in the public school setting.

Parent support is where it's at. Take it from one of the GOOD public school teachers. Without good parenting, their is not much the public school, Christian school, or Church can do. Of course we know that God's grace can intervene, but God's plan is for parents to be the child's primary teacher. Like it or not, the home environment is what shapes a child's attitudes, values, and beliefs. Parents are a kids first teacher!

Unknown said...

You are so right. Maybe with my style I wasn't clear. The problems with kid's isn't the institutions. It's the home! And thank you for staying with the public school sys. We (society) need you!

Pastor Eric

Anonymous said...

This page is completely bogus not every teenager jumps in and out of cars and when they do its with someone they know and they are probably going somewhere with them. Kids dont just do this because their parents dont care. I think that people in this society should stop preaching about other kids and handle their own. Especially when their own kids are doing some of the same stuff that we are doing. Just because a parent cannot be with a child all of time doesnt mean that they are a bad parent some people have real jobs and have to go out they sometimes have to be gone for a week or two at a time. Maybe you should learn to practice what you preach because alot of us know that you dont.

Anonymous said...

i as a teenager understand the last paragraph. i think your right about that there are way to many teenagers out there getting prenant because there going through some crazy baaby phase and i think that they should think about it for a long time before they do and that it should be with someone you love. i also think that the rest is bull yeah some parents cant wait for school to start so they can get rid af there kids for a bit. you dont know every ones problems and a lot of them dont want you to. whats their business is theirs and who they share that information is between those people. some people need to get away from the stress and every thing else. because kids add a lot of it and its not like those parents dont care about there children. i dont really see how its any of your business anyways what goes on on those kid's lives unless they or the parent that they live with asks you to. i have to say id rather have my kids get in the car with the people they know and trust and that i do also and know that i can trust them. i also didnt know that as a reverend you were suppose to be judging other people the way you were in your little rant

Unknown said...

Anonymous, first let me say that if you want people to take your comments seriously...write in an educated fashion. Please capitolize your "I"'s.
You also need to understand that this is written for a large audience, not personally to you or the town you live in.
Finally, this is written to parents. As a teenager you don't have the knowledge of what is needed for parenting. I have 5 children personally with a set of twins in the mix (but you probably already knew that) and know the feeling of needing a break from the kids. I am talking about parents that let go of their parental duties because they are bothered by having their children in their lives.
The purpose of the article is to say, "Suck it up. You have children, be their parent! If you don't want to take the responsibility on for the rest of the child's life, then don't have Children!"
There is nothing that breaks my heart more than to see people make babies and then treat the children like a household pet. By that I mean that they get tired of them and then neglect them like people would a dog, cat, rabbit, hamster etc. Parenting starts even before the child is born and goes until that child leaves the household. Even then, parenting doesn't stop. It just takes a different role.
This is a wide spread social problem. You are correct when you call it a "rant". However, I would ask that until you understand the parenting tenacity to which I refer, don't have children yourself!

Anonymous said...

You're on the mark here cuz! This is a common topic in our household. As you know, I have one child (a daughter) and I've seen over the years how parenting, good or bad, influences a child. I know of one four year old in particular, he was always sent outside for the day during the summer. His mother NEVER let him in during the day...the door was always locked. His meals were served outside on a cheap metal utensils, no plate, just dumped on the tray and set outside the front door. She treated him like a dog. When I was a director of a day care center, I witnessed two families who lost their children to children's services because the moms spent more time drinking or high on drugs than they did with their children. Between those two families, 8 children were sent into foster care and eventually adopted out. My heart went out to each of those children. I became so angry and resentful that it was necessary to leave that profession.

Cuz', you know what has gone on in my life over the past 8 know the hardships that have been placed on my shoulders. It would have been so much easier to crawl in bed and give up. I could have sent my daughter anywhere and neglected her. It would have been so much easier to throw up my hands and wallow in self-pity, and allow my daughter to do as she the streets, use profanity, give her everything she wanted even though she didn't need it. But I'm a Rose through and through...I chose to carry on and live life and set expectations for my child. I've been there for her, helped with school work, watched her soccer games, attended band concerts, helped her through difficulties with friends, encouraged her to develop into the young woman the Father wants her to be. She's 13 now and is one of the most wonderful young women that anyone could hope to have for a child. She's disciplined, loves school, has wonderful friends, and without knowing it, encourages her friends to move forward during difficult times. It scares me to think what life would be like right now if I chose not to be an involved parent.

Long story short, I agree with you cuz'. It drives me nuts when I see someone having child after child, but they treat them as though they could care less about them. For most, it's probably the way they were raised. To them I offer a challenge...Look at your situation and evaluate it...what can you do to improve your circumstances? What can you do to change this cycle? Lose the drugs/alcohol? Spend time with your child doing simple things? Get involved in school or extracurricular activies with them? I know not all parents neglect their children in this way...but those that do need to step up to the plate and challenge themselves. They'd be amazed at the changes in their lives if they would do that. It's time to break the cycle.

Okay, I'm done with my rant! Not everyone will agree with us, but we just need to remember that each of us IS entitled to our own opinions. Thanks for the space to let me vocalize my opinion.


Unknown said...

Thanks Cuz,
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
This is my opinion of you...
Keep On Keeping On,

James Sterling said...

Wow. There is a lot of ignorance in these comments. Parenting doesn't consist solely of just feeding and providing for your kids. They need some direction. IF you don't have time or are unable to hire or find a babysitter THEN YOU PROBABLY SHOULDN'T HAVE HAD KIDS. Also, there is nothing wrong with judging someone so long as its not prejudicial. Judging is society's way of dealing with bad people. Judging parents for having wild and untamed children is appropriate and even expected. I don't care about parents sob story or their circumstances. Neither does anyone else. Life is tough. Don't let anyone kid you. no excuses.

And another thing. What is this crap about its ok to have kids go off in someone's car just because they know them. Kids think they know someone just from simply meeting them. If the parents don't know them then its not a safe situation!

Anonymous said...

Awesome blog, I hadn't noticed previously in my searches!
Carry on the great work!

Unknown said...

Check back often as new "posts" are on their way!

Anonymous said...

For the awesome info

I'll be back for sure.

Thanks again!

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This is a very interesting site. The content is very informative and I am so glad that I dropped by. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi - I am certainly happy to find this. Good job!