Saturday, January 27, 2007

Priority vs. Passion

I like cold weather. Really, I do. I’m built for it. I have the extra insulation needed… kinda’ like a polar bear. I also produce a lot of internal heat. My wife calls me a furnace. I have a tendency (when outside) to be comfortable in less clothing than the average seems. If there is a lack of snow and ice, I enjoy being outside on a cold crisp winter day.
But I have to confess that I believe ice fishing to be on the brink of insanity. What compels a person to have to go out on a frozen lake, drill and chip through ice, then sit with the patience of Job on top of 20 degrees (or colder) just to catch a fish! You may say, "well, I love to fish." And that’s ok. You go right ahead. I’ll catch up with you in a couple of months when it hits 60 degrees outside.
My son (God love ‘em) got up at the crack of dawn today to go ice fishing. So, like a good Dad, I got up with him to make sure he had something for breakfast. I made him a thermos of his favorite coffee (Irish Cream). I got him all fixed up in the appropriate apparel to go out on the ice by sunrise and sent him out the door with his friends. Of course, I did not go because I needed to be on the "Front Porch" this morning…and I think it totally crazy to fish…on ice…at 7 am!
I was working on something totally different than this for today. But from the time I started (8 am) until now I have had 11 phone calls and 6 visitors to my office. What usually takes me two hours from start to publish has taken me 5 hours just to this point of writing.
I am ambiguous about my interruptions. They are my job. I enjoy my work as a pastor. A couple of the interruptions were my family. I love my wife and kids. I want them to have access to me anytime. But I have this writing I want to accomplish. I have things I want to do musically, but I can’t take time to practice. I have educational goals I want to fulfill, but I can’t take the time to sit in a classroom. I have 3 ideas for novels, but I can’t even begin to start because my commitments won’t allow it.
What do you do when time needed for life’s commitments leaves no time for personal passions?
With all conviction, I am sure that my time given to my 16-year-old son in my office this morning was more important than this blog. I am sure that my time spent with my 12-year-old son in my office this morning was more important than this blog. I am sure that the two students, two parents and other who contacted me this morning are more important than this blog! So, what’s the answer? I am convicted in my heart that that I must perform the duties that God has asked of me. I must be a father. I must be a pastor. But what about the passions that God gave me? If he gave me the passions, wouldn’t he want me to pursue them? As you (the reader of this blog) already know, there is no easy answer to this question.
As I conclude my long moment on the "Front Porch" this week, I admit that I am writing with an ambiguous frustration. I reckon I’ll just have to change the time I start writing, maybe get up earlier.
Man! I hate that idea worse than ice fishing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Key Words: Purpose
Goal Setting

What does God want from your life?
Your passions/talents and responsibilites will fall within God's purpose for your life.

Goal Setting - Within God's purpose
What do you want to accomplish? For self, family, ministry,recreation, education, etc.
Short Term
One year from now
Five year plan
10 year plan

What resources do you need to accomplish these things? i.e. time, money, knowledge/education, energy/health, rest, help

Remember there are seasons of life. You only have one chance to be a dad. You only have today to love your wife as she needs to be loved. You can only count on the health, energy/stamina, and mental resources that you presently have to pursue educational goals. Mental resources fade when they are not taxed academically on a regular basis. Some pursuits can wait for quieter seasons of life. What is priority now?

God First
Self Second? That is not what I was taught either. However, a wise preacher once said, and I agree, "If you don't take care of your self, you will not have the energy to take care of others." So.... get eight hours of rest. If you need to get up early, go to bed early. If writing makes you happy, do that instead of watching T.V. or something else you can do without. A pastor needs to have recreation and friends outside of ministry situations.
Wife Third - If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. She comes before the kids because she was there first and she will be there when the kids are gone. She comes before the ministry. You made a commitment to her before you made a commitment to the local church. She is your first spiritual and family reponsibility. TOO MANY WIVES ARE NEGLECTED FOR THE SAKE OF MINISTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOO MANY MARRIAGES SUFFER AND EVEN MORE SO, PASTOR'S WIVES SUFFER IN SECRET!!!!!!!!!!
Kids Fourth
Secular Job Fifth - If the church cannot pay enough to support your family which is your first responsibility.
Church Fifth - The church will probably not agree, but all of the above are God's first responsibilities given to the pastor who is married with dependent children. Parishoners and District leaders have their own agendas, but God's agenda is what matters most.

When 16 hours are spent and some of them given to recreational purposes, the day is done. What counts most during those hours is what is expected to be accomplished, nothing more.

Prioritize within God's purpose for your life. It is for this purpose that he has equipped you with the talents and passions that burn within you.

I believe in you and your talents. I have seen your passion for life and your pursuit of goals. Believe in yourself, be realisitic, and accomplish all that God has for you. "Dream Big." "I Hope You Dance!" "Do It Anyway"

Your Friend